April 2024 - We've been
featured on the
cover of the Western Way, the
International Western Music
Association's quarterly magazine!
There's a great article about us
celebrating our 35 years performing
and preserving Western Music. You
can see the article (and read the
whole magazine) at https://iwesternmusic.org/western-way-magazine.php
October 2022 - A NEW CD!
At long last we've released another
CD, Saturday
Matinee. It's a
collection of songs that mostly come
from the dime movie days of cowboy
films. Packed with great harmony
(including our daughter Angela
Roltgen) and sweet fiddling by
Suzanne Lansford, it's a 17 song
trip back in time to cowboy heroes
of old. Order your copy from our Trading
May 2021 - We are
glad to have 2020 in the rear-view
mirror, and a better outlook ahead
in 2021. We're still working on our
recording project but no promises on
when it will be done. Plans include
our daughter Angie singing harmony
and she's one busy gal. But it's
worth the wait and will be a fun
album once it's all together!
Meanwhile some live shows are coming
back and we're healthy and doing OK.
Happy trails to all and stay well!
March 2020 - As you all know,
this is turning out to be a sad and
strange time for performing
musicians everywhere. With all the
precautions to slow the progress of
the Coronavirus pandemic most shows
are cancelled or postponed till
who-knows-when and many musicians
are struggling. We are fine and SO
fortunate to have the resources to
weather this crisis! We are making
great use of our time at home to
start working on a new recording
project. Please keep checking
our website for schedule updates or
sign up on our email
list and we will keep
you posted on changes. If you know
musicians who are hurting right now
we urge you to visit their websites,
buy their music and turn out in huge
numbers when it's once again
possible to do live shows. Stay well
- happier trails will return!
Dec 2016 - Looking back on
another year filled with good music
and good friends. We don't have any
big announcements this year, but
just keep riding along on our
mission to keep classic Western
Music alive. We have had some great
shows playing with our daughter and
son-in-law in our "expanded" version
of KG & The Ranger. Hope to book
lots more shows with them down the
trail! One of the highlights this
year was our trip to Albuquerque NM
for the Western
Music Association convention,
where we were blown away by the
talented youngsters who are playing
this music and moving it into a new
Let us know if we
can bring some cowboy spirit to an
event near you.....
with Classic Christmas songs
and unique cowboy Christmas
songs! We
had a ton of fun recording this
with all six of our grandkids
taking part, plus our grownup
"kids" and their spouses. A real
family get-together for the
Holidays! Check out the Trading
Post for all the details on
'Tis The Season.
May 15, 2014 - NEW
Hard to believe it's
been 10 years since our last release.
Guess we've just been too busy having
fun performing all around the country
to get in studio time! But the wait is
over - and we are very excited about
our new project. We have excellent
backup on vocals and bass from our
daughter Angela Otte and her husband
Tom Otte. And we finally had a chance
to work with fiddler Suzanne Lansford,
who we met about 5 years ago in
Okeechobee Florida. It's a long story,
but from the first time we heard her
play we knew we had to record with her
someday. She adds so much to the album
- you will love her playing.
The concept for this album
came from our love of the poetic, lyrical
songs in Western Music. Some of these we
sing just for ourselves, or around a
campfire with friends - seldom performing
them on stage. Others are gems of the
genre that we sing for all occasions. They
are all favorites of ours and needed to be
Here's a look at the songs included:
On The Trail; Lonely Yukon Stars; When
The Bloom Is On The Sage; Cowboy’s
Letter From Home; Young Lean and
Seventeen (a Ranger Rick original);
Night Rider’s Lament; Colorado Trail;
Night Time In Nevada; Sandy River Belle
/ Old Bill Cheatham; Bad Girl’s Lament;
Arizona Waltz; Another Cowboy Song; When
Pay Day Rolls Around; Sundown On The
Prairie; Born To The Saddle
Hall Of Fame Induction August 2011
KG & The Ranger were inducted into
"America's Old Time Country Music Hall
of Fame", located in the Pioneer Musem
in Anita IA! This is a nice honor from
the National Traditional Country Music
Association. The induction ceremony
took place during the NTCMA Old Time
Country Music Festival in LeMars IA,
August 29 - Sept. 4, 2011.
For more info go to the NTCMA website:
20, 2010
KG & The Ranger
awarded the Western Music
Association"Outstanding Entertainer -
Duo" of the year!
We are so thrilled and honored by
this award from our fans and peers
in Western Music. MANY THANKS TO ALL
Winners are nominated and voted on by
the entire WMA membership. The award was
presented in Albuquerque NM at the WMA
Awards Banquet, the grande finale of the
annual Showcase and Awards Festival.
This festival is a gathering of top
notch western music performers from
around the country and fans from around
the world - a “Who’s Who” event of
cowboy musicians. For a complete list of
categories and this year’s WMA winners
please see
2009 was
KG & The Ranger's 20th Anniversary Our first show was in 1989 and we
did a grand total of 3 shows that year. Last
year we racked up about 100. We passed
performance #2000 in September 2009. We are
excited to be on to the next adventures and
21, 2007 - NEW AWARD!
Place winners of the Western Music
Association Harmony Contest.
plaque to add to our "Wall of Fame" - and a
great honor to be part of the Western Music
Association's 19th annual festival and
convention. The halls of the Albuquerque
Marriott Hotel rang with Western Music last
weekend as musicians gathered from all corners
of the country (and even from overseas) to
learn about, celebrate and perform Western
Music. To learn more, visit www.westernmusic.org.
October 2007:
2007 is galloping by, with
lots of great musical adventures. We were
privileged to be part of two grand 100th
Birthday Celebrations this year: Gene
Autry's and John Wayne's. Both events drew
folks from all over the country and the
world and were great successes. Our
summer was spent entertaining at County
Fairs and events around Wisconsin, and the
fall took us to South Dakota and Oklahoma.
KG was honored to be one of five finalists
for the Academy of Western Arts "Yodeler of
the Year" (congratulations to Chelsea Beck,
the winner).
November 2005
- Three's the charm! For the third time, KG
& The Ranger won the Western Music
Association title of "Harmony Yodeling
Champions". The contest was held at the annual
Western Music Festival in Albuquerque NM.
Yodel - ay - dee - hoo!
2005 - The Wild West Arts Club
presented KG & The Ranger with the
2005 "Montie Montana Showmanship
Award" at the WWAC 16th Annual
International Convention in Claremore OK.
This prestigious award is given to artists
chosen by a panel of judges, including
Montie Montana Jr., to honor excellence
and professionalism in Western Arts
Click on photo to download
printable photo.
must be the month for awards for KG & The
Ranger. We won 3rd place (out of 16
contestants!) in the Minnesota Bluegrass
Association's duet singing contest. We took
2nd place with our new parade rig in the New
Lisbon Sesquicentennial Parade!
New fun - we're
doing parades: "Shortcut
Curly", aka Ranger Rick, rides "Timber" his
giant stick-horse, with "Tall Tale Tillie",
aka KG, riding shotgun in our mini prairie
August 2005 update - we won an award for "Most
Original" in the Edgerton Tobacco Heritage
Days Parade.
out our album "When
mail or online through CD
This is
a wonderful collection of songs - including
Ranger Rick's newest composition Happy
Dreaming Cowboy, plus rare and vintage
cowboy songs. We had the fun of working with
the same great musicians we have recorded with
in the past - Rodeo Kate on fiddle, Dave
Fallow on guitar and Steve Kasprzac on bass.
Recorded at Randy's
Recording, our thanks go out to
Randy for all his support and good
Because of all
the requests we have had for a recording of
our contest-winning yodel, we have included Sagebrush
Symphony complete with our grand finale
"yodeling sampler" ending. So saddle up your
dreams and click over to the Trading
Post for more information....
Rick spins out his 50 foot rope at the
Grand Canyon!

KG & The
Ranger with Michael Martin Murphey at The
Great Circus Parade Festival:

Veteran's Park went "wild" - Wild West, that
is! It was a great festival with a great
response to the Wild West Revue.
KG &
The Ranger once again take home honors from
the Western Music Association. They are the 2002
International Harmony Yodeling Champions
- winning this award for the second time (1999
was the first). They also were nominated by
the WMA for the prestigious "Crescendo Award"
which honors accomplishments in Western Music.
the WMA
website for more information about the
WMA and the festival.
greenhorns to geezers: Tenderfoot Melody
Roundup, a collection of new and old
cowboy songs for the whole family. With the
help of three nieces and a nephew (the
"Tenderfoot Chorale" ages 5 - 11), we have
recorded 13 songs about the American cowboy
and the West. From original children's songs
like "I Wanna be A Cowboy", by Ranger Rick, to
timeless classics like "My Home's in Montana"
and "Home on the Range", KG & The Ranger's
new album will appeal to listeners of all
ages. Order
Cowboy music is
"family friendly" music with wholesome lyrics
and a positive message for kids. KG & The
Ranger have taken their Cowboy Music program
to many schools, preschools and libraries
across the country. This album was inspired by
these experiences and by the fascination kids
everywhere have for the American Cowboy.
Meet Short-cut
Curly, the eight-foot tall cowboy and
the newest member of our Western show. Be sure
to look for him to make an appearance at our
up-coming performances - you never know when
he'll show up!
year has seen many accomplishments, including
being nominated by the Academy of Western
Artists for Rising Star of 2001, and also
being in the top 5 finalists for the Western
Music Association's new "Crescendo Award" - a
fans' choice award for excellence in Western
Nov. 6, 1999:
KG &
The Ranger are the 1999 WMA Harmony Yodeling